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Keep a Nature Diary


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Try this today
  • Decide what you want to include in your diary. Do you want to record every walk or garden visit? Or do you want to focus on one theme, such as the trees, birds or other wildlife? Do you want to visit the same place repeatedly and track how it changes with the seasons? Or do you want to explore new environments? 
  • Decide how you want to record your observations. You could write in a journal, record voice memos on your cell phone, take photos, create sketches or combine these options.
  • Convey your thoughts, feelings and observations in detail. Be as descriptive as possible and include any questions you want to explore later. 
  • Collect and include interesting or beautiful items you find along the way — such as leaves and feathers that could be pressed between your journal pages.
  • Consider sharing your diary with others. It could prompt conversations about the parts of nature you most enjoy or your favorite childhood memories of being outdoors.

We all know nature has healing powers. Walking in the woods, sitting in your garden or just gazing out the window can brighten your day (as well as your mood). One way to benefit even more from your outdoor encounters: keeping a nature diary. You don’t have to be a trained botanist, bird-watcher or wildlife biologist. Just write or record what you see, hear, smell, feel and think as you take in the scene around you.

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