Joe Shmmoe
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Staying Sharp, including all content and features, is offered for informational purposes and to educate users on brain health care and medical issues that may affect their daily lives. Staying Sharp is based on a holistic, lifestyle.... Read More
The Cognitive Assessment offers a snapshot of your brain’s performance based on the results of five tests. Your scores are then compared with those of others who share the same age, gender and years of education, generating a result of Expected, Above Expected, or Below Expected relative to your peers. Remember, your performance can vary based on several factors, like sleep, stress and other factors.
Your performance over time can be seen in the graph below.
Working Memory
In addition to your Cognitive Results above, here are your additional test results that assessed your skills in the areas of non-verbal reasoning, spatial processing, and verbal reasoning.
Go beyond the cognitive assessment and take these additional cognitive tests to evaluate even more elements of cognition like spatial processing, non-verbal reasoning and verbal reasoning.
Listed below is a summary of each of the cognitive tests. You may want to explore the content listed, starting with those areas where you’ve scored the lowest.
Science tells us that a healthy lifestyle may help to protect the brain. The six habits listed below—the pillars of brain health—have been shown to have a positive impact. You can review your answers to the questions for each pillar to understand how well your lifestyle supports brain health.
Consider the steps you’d like to take to improve your lifestyle habits. The accompanying content may help spark some ideas.
Well done, you've completed your assessment!
Give us one moment to process your results.
We’re constantly modifying and improving the Staying Sharp experience to provide clearer and better insight to our users. For the Assessment, we’ve removed Lifestyle scoring to place greater emphasis on the Cognitive Assessment. The way we calculate your scores has not changed and you can continue to compare your current Cognitive Assessment scores with scores from the Assessment you may have previously taken via the drop down menu at right. Stay tuned for more exciting updates.