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Staying Sharp Challenges

Challenges are fun, guided interactive learning activities designed to help you learn about building healthy habits.

How do challenges work?
Interactive challenges use our learn-and-apply framework to help you explore brain health. Get AARP Rewards points along the way.


Find out what the latest science reveals about a variety of brain-health topics, including memory, focus, happiness, problem-solving, exercise and digital distractions.

Try out activities that you can easily incorporate into your life. Discover simple hacks for common actions like remembering new names, memorizing passwords and becoming more mindful.

Get a Preview of the Challenges
Check out a sampling of each of our challenges below. Then log in to Staying Sharp to get started!

Fit & Fun
Physical activity is a pillar of brain health, longevity and independence. Learn how to make walking the cornerstone of a fitness lifestyle in this challenge.

Being Present
Research shows that regularly practicing meditation and mindfulness may help people focus more effectively, relieve stress and enhance happiness.

The Pursuit of Happiness
Joy doesn’t happen by accident. Learn about habits that experts believe may increase happiness — from connecting with others to practicing kindness.

Brain Health 101
In this Challenge, neurosurgeon and CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta, M.D., will help you learn about the latest research on keeping your brain strong. Gupta is the author of Keep Sharp, written in collaboration with AARP.

Replay, Recall, Repeat
Recognizing patterns brings order to chaos. Learn about how we use patterns to make decisions, identify problems and manage all aspects of our lives.

Explore Staying Sharp today.