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Exercise May Support Memory and Mood

Research has found that exercise is great for brain health — helping people problem-solve, think clearly, sleep better, and boost their energy and spirits. And no matter what gets you moving — walking in a forest, dancing to your favorite beat, practicing tai chi or lifting weights — all types of exercise are good for you.

Ready. Set. Go.

Where will you start? Click on one of the topics below to discover fun, new fitness trends, how-to videos and easy home workouts.

7 Days of Walking
Whether you are walking on a treadmill, with a friend or out in nature, get ready to take those first steps. These articles and activities will help you get beyond your excuses and get going.

A Week of Activities to Get You Started
Practice balance, posture and flexibility with our simple, quick moves. Plus, check out an easy alternative to squats and try a 5-second Superman exercise for strengthening the lower back.

Daily Videos to Try
Our how-to videos lead you through beginning yoga moves and simple strength exercises. Follow along with exercise expert Denise Austin without having to leave your house.


How Moving More May Help Protect Your Brain

Click the arrow below to scroll through all the articles.


Spice Up Your Exercise Routine

Ready to try something new? We’ve got easy exercises that don’t require a home gym, along with inspiration for dancing, biking and hiking your way into fitness and fun.

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