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Make Dinnertime Screen-Free

To enjoy meals with others, turn off the TV and put away your devices


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Quick Win

Banish the uninvited guests — phones and other electronics — and focus on connecting with your company.

Try this today
  • Eat at a table, not in front of the TV.
  • Put the phones away. Use mealtime to connect with family or friends — and, of course, to eat.
  • Talk amongst yourselves. If you’re rusty, see if anyone wants to share a funny story, or try a conversation starter such as “rose, thorn, bud,” in which you take turns describing the highlight of the day (the rose), the low point (the thorn), and something you’re looking forward to (the bud).

We spend a lot of time tethered to our devices, but it’s our human relationships that can support our health and happiness. Taking a break from technology allows you to enjoy the people at your table. Simply having your phone at the table while dining with others may lead to feelings of distraction and lessen your enjoyment, according to research reported in 2018 in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. So, follow the “out of sight, out of mind” principle with your devices at dinnertime.

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