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Neutralize Negativity

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Try this today
  • When negative events happen, focus on the upsides or benefits of the situation.
    • If there’s traffic, that gives you time to catch up on your favorite radio program.
    • An argument with your spouse might provide the opportunity to reconnect and strengthen your bond.
    • Forgot your lunch at home? Now’s your chance to try that new sandwich shop.
  • Focus on solutions, rather than problems.
  • View mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Make a game of counting how many times in one day you can neutralize negative thoughts or events.
  • Neutralize negativity. As much as 90 percent of our internal dialogue skews negative, some experts claim.
  • Find the silver lining. When negative events happen, focus on the upsides or benefits.
  • Modify your mindset. View mistakes as learning opportunities — and focus on solutions.


Life happens. You get a flat tire, make a mistake at work, get into an argument with a friend. The trick to staying healthy is to respond to stress in a neutral or even positive way. But avoiding negativity can be a real challenge — so let’s make a game of it.

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