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Thank a Soldier


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Try this today
  • Write a letter to a military person abroad. You could use a thank-you card, notebook paper, or type and print.
  • Begin your letter “Dear Service Member,”
  • Keep your message positive and light; avoid personal topics that you wouldn’t discuss with strangers. You might emphasize your appreciation, or if you are a veteran you could share some of your better memories and experiences.
  • Contact your local USO, Operation Gratitude or a local veterans facility to have your letter forwarded to a member of the military.

It’s important for us to stay connected to friends and family, but if you’re looking to extend your kindness a little further, consider writing a letter to a U.S. serviceman or woman overseas. These brave soldiers are far from home, and sometimes they could use a little extra encouragement or distraction from their daily grind.

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