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Staying Sharp Free Trial Terms of Service

FREE TRIAL TERMS: Your 30-day free trial to the AARP Staying Sharp program will begin on your date of enrollment and expire 30 calendar days thereafter. During the trial, you will have access to all program features and content. To retain access to all program features and content after the trial, you need to become an AARP member. Otherwise, your access to the program after the trial will be limited to the features and content that are available to non-AARP members. You will not be charged at the end of the trial unless you choose to become an AARP member. Program features and content available to all Staying Sharp users (members and non-members) are subject to change, including discontinuation, at any time and without notice. By signing up for the free trial, you (i) consent to receive email notifications confirming your enrollment in the trial, its expiration, and of the opportunity to join AARP; and (ii) agree to these free trial terms, the Terms of Service, Legal Disclaimer, and Privacy Policy.