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A Guide to Help You
Find Your Calm

Staying Sharp brings you new ways to manage your
stress, calm your mind, and make the most of your
time at home.

Create an account, log in and start exploring! Join AARP and get even more.

Explore how mindfulness can work for you.
Watch the video and use the three tips today to get a taste of what you will find inside Staying Sharp.

Your Brain on Gratitude
An attitude of gratitude can be a powerful tool for responding to stress.

3 Ways to Calm an Anxious Mind

1.  Silence your inner critic.
    Try saying “May I learn to be kinder to myself.”
2. Tune into your senses.
    Name three things you're seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling or hearing.
3. Channel your anxious energy.
    Go for a brisk walk, clean, organize or garden.

What's Included in Staying Sharp

You’ll discover articles, activities and videos on the topic of stress and incorporating a mindful approach.


On-Going Exercise
Denise Austin shows you exercises you can do at home.

Eat Right
Recipes that include foods that can support a healthy immune system.

Explore the World
Visit museums, concerts, plays and other cultural events from home.

Restorative Sleep
What to do when stress and anxiety make it difficult to sleep.

Ready to explore a new sense of calm?