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Ongoing Exercise

What's one of the best workouts for your brain? Physical exercise can have a huge impact on brain health.


The Global Council on Brain Health, an independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals, scholars and policy experts assembled by AARP from around the world, produced a report in April 2016 that provides recommendations on how to use physical exercise to impact brain health:

1. 150 minutes of weekly, moderate-intensity aerobic activity and two or more days a week of moderate-intensity, muscle-strengthening activities.

2. Lead a physically active lifestyle throughout the day.
3. Identify meaningful and enjoyable ways to increase and maintain physical activity. 

Here’s the good news — there is no one perfect exercise — the activity you should focus on is the one you enjoy most!

Challenge yourself a little bit more over time, for example, if you are not very active, start stretching and walking at a leisurely pace. If you are already a walker or jogger, increase your pace or distance. If you are an active runner, keep running and start strength/resistance training. 

Staying Sharp provides a wide variety of fun and engaging ways to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle.

Explore Staying Sharp today.