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Are You Game?

Have fun, relax, and play games.  It's a fun diversion when you need a break.


Tower of London
Practice some of the core strategies of problem-solving by matching the patterns in the fewest moves.

Mem Machines
Remember the machines you see. 

Shopping List
Think you can remember items on a list? Try matching them to images, from bowls to bananas.


Staying Sharp Pattern Match™
Match a series of kaleidoscope layers — speed and accuracy count, so play fast!


Staying Sharp Double Up™
Match a series of related images — from animals to art — in a race against the clock.

Swap Puzzles
The Swap Puzzles game challenges you to form a complete picture from scrambled parts.


Sequence Squares
Touch the numbers in ascending order, from lowest to highest.

Which Is Different?
In the Pattern Recognition game, you'll identify patterns by matching shapes and colors. Move the center card to the outer card with the same color.


...and MANY more!

A computer and smatphone with Staying Sharp games on it.

A New Spin on Games

Staying Sharp features a wide variety of fun and engaging games that test your recall, focus and word skills.

Two silhouettes of heads with memory games

There's More to Staying Sharp Than Games

Staying Sharp features a wide variety of fun and engaging games you can play when you need a quick break or amusing distraction.


Explore Staying Sharp today.