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Eat Right

Staying Sharp offers nourishing, enjoyable recipes and information about the importance of food. 

Walnuts. Blueberries. Avocado. Fish. Alcohol. Sugar. Though there is no one magic food, there are foods that can help (or hurt!) your health. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, like fish and walnuts, may offer health benefits, for example. The science is constantly changing. Staying Sharp offers the latest information.

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Add these foods to your diet for vitamins and minerals that may help protect memory, regulate emotions and control blood sugar.

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Experts say many older adults may need to get more protein than the recommended dietary allowance to help our brains and bodies as we age.

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AARP members have access to a unique portfolio of recipes and videos.  Start by browsing through our Guide on Superfoods, available here.

Explore Staying Sharp today.