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Mental Well-Being Challenges

Take our month-long series of challenges that focuses on building the foundations of mental wellness through managing emotions, increasing resilience, discovering mindfulness and pursuing happiness. We recommend taking these challenges in the order below, but if one speaks to you, it’s fine to choose your own path.

The Power of Emotions
Managing your emotions may help you think more clearly and stay centered, so that you can be the person you want to be. Learn about the roots of emotion and the pathways to emotional agility.

Building Resilience
Resilience means having the ability to rebound from hardship and approach each day with determination that you'll thrive. Resilience comes from within, but you can learn ways to build resilience through practice.


Being Present
Research shows that regularly practicing meditation and mindfulness can help you focus more effectively, relieve stress and enhance your happiness.

Pursuit of Happiness
Joy doesn't happen by accident. Learn about habits that experts believe may increase happiness — from connecting with others to practicing kindness.

More to Explore


Do things that are fun or relaxing. Whatever brings you stress, here are 13 tactics that will help bring well-deserved calm to your life.

Manage Stress,Ongoing Exercise

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Spending some time outside in nature during stressful times may positively impact your feelings of health and well-being.

Manage Stress

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Power walk, dance or swim. Getting your heart rate up for as little as 15 minutes a day may improve your mood — and get you closer to your weekly fitness goals.

Happiness,Recall Memory,Manage Stress

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Your Brain on Stress
Watch this video to understand the impact of acute and chronic stress on your brain.