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Do the Math

Brush up on old skills or learn new ones!


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Quick Win

Practice the basics or challenge yourself with advanced problems. Sharpening math skills can engage the brain — and it’s fun!

Try this today
  • Run some drills. Flash cards aren’t just for kids! Look for a printable set online to brush up on math facts. 
  • Problem-solve. Start with single-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication or division and then try multiple-digit problems. Too easy? Look online for algebra, geometry or calculus problems.
  • Check your work with a calculator. Answers don’t match? Use paper and pencil to see where you went wrong.

Has it been a minute since you’ve reviewed your times tables or done some long division? Whether you think of yourself as a “math person” or not, number-crunching can be fun and mentally engaging. Besides dusting off old math skills, you can build new ones — and that process may benefit your brain. “Cognitively stimulating activities,” those that engage and challenge your thinking skills, may help you maintain your cognitive abilities as you age, according to a 2017 report from the Global Council on Brain Health, “Engage Your Brain.” Keep exploring math if you enjoy it and remember, there’s no teacher grading you!

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