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Snacks for Fuel Before and After a Workout

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Eating the right foods before and after exercising can boost your energy and speed up recovery.

Try this today
  • Focus on high-quality carbohydrates. If you’re hungry before a workout, healthy carbs — like bananas or whole-grain cereal — can provide an energy boost.
  • Dare to eat dairy. Chowing down on low-fat, protein-rich yogurt after a workout can benefit your muscles. Eat it plain or blend it into a smoothie.
  • Enjoy Mediterranean-style snacks. Protein-rich foods that are staples of the Mediterranean diet, including nuts and fish, may help your body recover post-workout.
  • Drink plenty of water. Rehydrating within 45 minutes after working out can help your body recuperate more quickly.

What you choose to eat before and after exercising can impact the quality of your workout and recovery. Athletes know this well. In a study published in 2024 in the journal Nutrition, researchers surveyed 305 powerlifters about their eating habits. They commonly consumed carb-rich foods before and during a training session to reduce hunger and boost energy, as carbs are an important fuel source during exercise. The athletes also ate protein-rich foods afterward to recover and enhance the benefits of their workout. Amino acids from dietary protein can stimulate muscle building and repair.

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