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Get Focused. Get Moving. Have Fun!

AARP® Staying Sharp® is excited to introduce the Fit & Fun Challenge

A New Way to Build Healthy Exercise Habits

Do you find yourself:

·       Wanting more energy, but don’t know where or how to start?
·       Feeling too busy or too tired to exercise?
·       Unable to perform physical tasks due to lack of body strength?

If your answer is YES to any of these questions you’ve come to the right place. Start our 8-week walking-based program today. It's designed to help you:

·       Build healthy exercise habits into your daily routine
·       Establish attainable goals
·       Build on and maximize each exercise activity

Plus, each week you’ll learn about a different aspect of health and fitness from balance and endurance to sleeping soundly and eating well. Are you ready to get active while having lots of fun? Let's go!

Begin your health and wellness journey today.

Explore Staying Sharp today.